How to translate the incoming properties/properties of a component? For example, I have a card component with title and description properties defined.
<!-- my-card 组件 --> <template> <div> <h2>{{title}}</h2> <span>{{description}}</span> </div> </template> <script> export default { props: { title: String, descritpion: String } } </script>
Then use the my-card component in another page/component as shown below
<template> <div> <header>页面头部</header> <my-card :title="最好的卡片标题" :description="最好的描述" /> <footer>页面底部</footer> </div> </template>
How to use vue I18n to translate component properties?
<template> <div> <header>页面头部</header> <my-card :title="{{ $t('myCard.title')}}" :description="{{$t('myCard.description')}}" /> <footer>页面底部</footer> </div> </template>
I can't seem to get the incoming attribute translation to work.
P.S. I know I can add translations where the my-card component is defined, but the problem here is that the component is a third party component from the NPM library.
I know some packages in React.js have this functionality.
You can use I18n translation in component properties as shown below.
Just bind the translation without using