I'm using Vue 3
and Bootstrap 5
I have a select
with multiple options. Now I'm displaying my option.TEXT
and when I change something, this value
will also be passed into my method. But when I change something, I want to pass key
(option.ID) .
But I also want my v-model
to be my option.ID
but show my option.TEXT
How to achieve this without checking the method itself.
<select class="form-select" v-model="value" @change="get_key()"> <option v-for="option in options" :key="option.ID"> {{ option.TEXT }} </option> </select>
Option array:
[ { "ID": 1, "TEXT": "One" }, { "ID": 2, "TEXT": "Two" }, { "ID": 3, "TEXT": "Three" }, ]
The property value should be bound tooption.ID