mailto link loads the recipients and subject correctly, but appears to truncate the email body to a very short length. My email has a total of 1500 characters, so it's under the mailto limit. The body of the email appears to be truncated at approximately 200 characters.
I'm appending a computed property to the mailto string because I'm using a package called "marked.js" which parses user input into markdown/html.
How can I solve this problem? I tried setting the new data attribute to "emailFormat" and running the email body through the tagged package on the page install and then setting it to the data attribute. I thought this would solve the problem because now I just append a string to the mailto body, but that doesn't work and I still get an incomplete email body.
Computed properties that receive api response data and run through tagged packages
letterContentToHtml() { if (this.formData.letterContent != null) { return marked(this.formData.letterContent); // marked is package to parse user input to markdown/html. } else { return null; } },
Template part showing content and button containing mailto href
<p class="email-content-data" v-html="letterContentToHtml"></p> <v-btn class="send-form-btn" :disabled="!campaignFormValid || this.emailRecepients == ''" elevation="12" color="primary" target="_blank" :href="mailToString" @click="updateCampaignList"> Send Email! </v-btn>
mailto computed property
mailToString() { return "mailto:"+this.formData.emailList+"?subject="+this.formData.subject+"&body="+this.emailContent; },
You must URL encode the data before assigning it to the HREF attribute of the hyperlink/anchor tag:
Otherwise it may interfere with some reserved characters, such as
or some Unicode characters.