I have a Nuxtjs project. I'm using https://github.com/MatteoGabriele/vue-gtag. I am trying to send the user_id to Google Analytics 4 when the user id exists but the code fails but doesn't work. I checked in GA4 but there is no data "Login with user ID includes yes":
import Vue from "vue"; import VueGtag from "vue-gtag"; export default ({ $config, $auth }) => { const obj = { config: { id: 'G-XXXXXXXXXX' } } if ($auth?.loggedIn) { obj.config.params = {user_id: $auth.user.sub} } Vue.use(VueGtag, obj, app.router) }
The following code is running:
import Vue from "vue"; import VueGtag from "vue-gtag"; export default ({ $config, $auth }) => { Vue.use(VueGtag, { config: { id: 'G-XXXXXXXXXX', params: { user_id: '122xzczxc' } } }, app.router) }
can I help you? I want to send user_id to GA4 when user_id exists.
Reply correctly after commenting and what I think I have understood.
If you change the condition to the default value, for example:
This doesn't work.
But if you initialize your object like this:
The condition on$auth?.loggedIn
will take effect and assign a value.In this case, the problem is just that you need to have a default structure for your object. In this case the object does not create new properties which could cause async or structural issues, it just updates the properties.
Just do this: