Create a GET API with authorization token using Laravel
P粉239164234 2023-12-25 09:40:02

I have a Registration API which registers user details to the database and it also generates tokens using laravel Passport and save the token to the database

Now I'm trying to create a get api which will get all the data from the database using the generated token

What I tried

exist api.php

Routing::get('/get_user', [userDEtails::class, 'get_user']);

userDEtails.php Controller

public function get_user(Reqest $req)

// what code must i add here

In postman I want to add token in header as authorization and api to work

I am using Laravel framework 9.41.0


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Since you have said you are using Laravel Passport for this, try executing this to get the user (and check the scope)

public function get_user(Request $request)
    $user = $request->user();

Ideally this should work. You also need to make sure your route uses the 'auth:api' middleware like this route -

Route::get('/get_user', [userDEtails::class, 'get_user'])->middleware('auth:api');

If for some reason you can't use the "auth:api" middleware for this route and need to stick with "web" or something else, you can use -

$user = auth()->guard('api')->user()


$user = $request->user('api')

Instead of getting the user object.

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