I am using "vuelidate" to validate the Quasar framework.
When I wrote the code below, a type error occurred.
(property) error message: string |reference number Input 'string|' Ref' is not assignable to type 'string|' undefined'.
I think the "error-message" attribute is undefined before the error occurs.
But the Quasar team only defines the error message type as String type.
How can I solve this problem? please help me.
Sorry, my English is no good
<q-input label="Name" v-model="company.name" @blur="v$.name.$touch()" no-error-icon :error="v$.name.$error" :error-message=" v$.name.$errors.length ? v$.name.$errors[0].$message : '' " ></q-input>
It seems to be both
Eliminate this error. I'm not sure which is the better solution.