my question:
I'm trying to add my own styles to the component provided by react-native-popup-menu and add it to my component library. They provide Menu, MenuOptions, and MenuOption components with the following expected hierarchy:
<Menu> <MenuOptions> <MenuOption text="A"> </MenuOption> <MenuOption text="B"> </MenuOption> </MenuOptions> </Menu>
I plan to create a wrapper for each element, style the component within it, and return the wrapper when someone imports it from the component library.
For example, a wrapper for the menu component:
import { MenuProps } from 'react-native-popup-menu'; type CustomMenuProps = { children: React.ReactElement[]; } const CustomMenu = (props: MenuProps && CustomMenuProps) => { return <Menu style={{...someCustomStyle}}>{children}</Menu> }
This adds a wrapper (an extra element) on each layer, resulting in the following hierarchy:
<CustomMenu> <Menu> <CustomMenuOptions> <MenuOptions>...
The package doesn't like this because it relies on hierarchy to display the menu correctly. throws error "MenuOptions should be a child of Menu"
Is there a way to create a custom styled menu and expose it as a component in the component library? If it were react, I would rewrite the css class, but there is no cascading effect in react-native.
Any clues would be very helpful. Thanks.
I'm not sure exactly what the problem is - so I'll just add some tips/clues here that might help you.
View the documentation and the corresponding example
From this I see you can do/use the following:
You just need a little boilerplate (see example) - I guess wrapping this into a custom component isn't a problem