This is the table I want to get the data from, I am using express to make the get request from the next application:
model Provider { id String @id @default(cuid()) name String email String password String phone String photo String? service Service? @relation(fields: [serviceId], references: [id]) serviceId String? location Location? @relation(fields: [locationId], references: [id]) locationId String? createdAt DateTime @default(now()) text String starAverage Float medals Medals[] comment Comment[] } model Service { id String @id @default(cuid()) type String provider Provider[] }
I want to get the service type of the provider service table, not the serviceId, this is my route.
router.get('/list', async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const allClients = await prisma.client.findMany() res.json({allClients}) })
This is how I get the rest of the API data using axios
const [providers, setProviders] = useState([] as any[]) useEffect(() => { axios.get('http://localhost:5140/providers/list')//my list of all providers .then(res => { console.log(res) setProviders( }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) }, ) const renderedProviders = Object.values(providers).map(provider => { return ( <div className="card" style={{ width: "18rem"}} key={} > <img className="card-img-top" src="..."/> <div className="card-body"> <h3>{}</h3> <p>{provider.starAverage} estrekas</p> <p>{provider.serviceId}</p> </div> </div> ); }); return ( <div className="d-flex flex-row flex-wrap justify-content-between"> {renderedProviders} </div> )
Currently only the serviceId of the provider can be obtained, not the type of service
To get data from another table referenced by a foreign key in the database, you can use the
clause in your SQL query. The JOIN clause allows you to combine rows from two or more tables based on related columns between the tables.This is how to use the
clause to get data from two tables (users
) that are related by a foreign key.JOIN
clause combines rows from theusers
tables based on theuser_id
column. The idcolumn in the code>orders
table and theusers
table. TheSELECT
clause specifies the columns to retrieve from theusers
tables.Edited How can I reference it in Express routes and http requests from axios?
You can use sequelize.query (Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM) method to execute raw SQL queries.
sequelize.query method is used to execute a raw SQL query with a JOIN clause to get data from the Users and Orders tables.