I am developing a small project to learn Vue js. It should be a habit tracker. I currently have a bug where if you reload the page and add a new custom, my functionality that is supposed to change the background won't work properly.
The error is shown here This is what my array looks like:
0 : {id: 0, title: "1", ready: false} 1 : {id: 1, title: "123", ready: false} 2 : {id: 2, title: "123", ready: false} 3 : {id: 0, title: "123", ready: true}
I understand why it doesn't work, because I use a counter to assign the id, which resets to 0 on reload.
<div class="q-pa-md" v-for="(habit, index) in habits" :key="habit.id"> <q-card class="my-card" :id="habit.id" ref="card"> <q-card-section> <q-checkbox id="checkbox" v-model="habit.ready" @click="changeToTransparent(habit)" > </q-checkbox> {{ habit.title }} <q-btn-dropdown flat class="more" icon="more_horiz"> <q-list> <q-item clickable v-close-popup @click="deletehabit(index)"> <q-item-section> <q-item-label>Delete</q-item-label> </q-item-section> </q-item> <q-item clickable v-close-popup @click="edithabitbutton(index)"> <q-item-section> <q-item-label>Edit</q-item-label> </q-item-section> </q-item> </q-list> </q-btn-dropdown> </q-card-section> </q-card> <div> let counter = 0; const habits = ref([]); const addHabit = () => { habits.value.push({ id: counter++, title: habittitle.value, ready: false }); savetolocalstorage(); habittitle.value = ""; }; const changeToTransparent = (habit) => { if(document.getElementById(habit.id) != null) { if (habit.ready) { document.getElementById(habit.id).style.backgroundColor = "rgba(170,193,200,0.25)"; savetolocalstorage(); } else { document.getElementById(habit.id).style.backgroundColor = ""; savetolocalstorage(); } } }
Any ideas on how to solve this problem?
You need to load local storage and set the length to the counter value. I've made a working example here. I also improved your code to make it more consistent with Vue concepts. As @Rahul Purohit pointed out, the
result is required when saving andJSON.parse
is required when loading.