I have added a custom column in my WooCommerce product page in the admin dashboard, but when trying to populate the column by adding 2 custom ACF field settings for post type -> Product I am getting the error message Debug error notifications are listed in a custom column on each of these products.
NOTE: Undefined variable: product is located at /./././wp-content/themes/bpa/functions.php line 923
Note: Trying to get the product "id" of a non-object /./././wp-content/themes/bpa/functions.php line 923
Can someone help explain what I'm doing wrong to get an undefined variable?
Line 923 is:
$product_id = method_exists( $product, 'get_id' ) ? $product->get_id() : $product->id;
Is it because I used the old toilet method or something?
Full functionality:
// Populate column function woo_product_rmreference_column_data( $column ) { global $post; if ( $column == 'rm_reference' ) { // $product_id = method_exists( $product, 'get_id' ) ? $product->get_id() : $product->id; // Get ACF Fields $reference = get_field( 'property_reference', $product_id ); $address = get_field( 'location', $product_id ); // Output echo ($reference . $address) ? '<div>'.$reference.' - '.$address.'</div>' : '<div>Not found!</div>'; } } add_action( 'manage_product_posts_custom_column' , 'woo_product_rmreference_column_data', 10, 2 );
For anyone to view. If using $product and $post, then you need to use global $product; and global $post to access them.