I'm trying to use the react-table library, but I've run into this problem and I don't know how to fix it.
Uncaught Error: Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component calls setState repeatedly in componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.
export const GetProducts=async()=>{ try { const response=await axios({ url:`${baseUrl}/products`, method:"GET" }) // console.log(response.data.products) return await response.data.products } catch (error) { console.log(error.response) } }
I'm trying this:
const TablaStock = () => { const [data, setData] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { const getProducts = async () => { const response = await GetProducts(); setData(response.products); }; getProducts(); }, [data]); const columns =useMemo(() => [ { Header:"CODIGO", accessor: "codigo" }, { Header:"PRENDA", accessor: "prenda" }, { Header:"MARCA", accessor: "marca" }, { Header:"CATEGORIA", accessor: "categoria" }, { Header:"TALLE", accessor: "" }, { Header:"CLIENTE", accessor: "cliente" }, { Header:"FECHA DE INGRESO", accessor: "fechaIngreso" }, { Header:"PRECIO DE VENTA", accessor: "precioVenta" }, { Header:"GANANCIA CLIENTE", accessor: "" }, { Header:"GANCANIA FERNANDEZ SHOP", accessor: "", Cell:({})}, { Header:"ESTADO", accessor: "estado" }, { Header:"TIEMPO EN VENTA", accessor: "tiempoEnVenta" }, ]); const table=useTable({ columns, data }) return ( <> </> ); }; export default TablaStock;
You get into an infinite loop with Effect because you get the "data" from the server, but also re-render via the cahnge of that variable. Remove "data" from useEffect's dependency list:
Hope this helps.
I solved this problem by adding the following code: