Display json type data in the blade I have a table in my database that stores data and one of the data is of json type and everything is going fine but when I want to display these json in blade the problem starts This is my json data type [![Enter image description here][1]][1]
In my blade I use php to query, extract and display all the data with the same order id, but I want to display the json data while doing this
<div class="modal-body"> <?php $order[] = $ord_com->id; $tareasco = DB::table('tareas')->whereIn('orden_compra_id',$order)->orderBy('created_at','desc')->get(); ?> @foreach($tareasco as $audi) {{ $audi->componente_id }}<!--here it shows me everything ok--> @if (is_array($audi->componente_id) || is_object($audi->componente_id)) @foreach ($audi->componente_id as $documen) <h1>{{$documen['partidas_id']}}</h1> @endforeach @endif @endforeach </div>
No data is displayed in the second foreach where I want to display the json data
In the second foreach where I want to show the json data, no data is shown to me, I think this is because I'm calling the data wrong because when doing the suggested action, it's not showing me anything
[{"id": 9913, "cantidad": "12", "costoini": "12", "partidas_id": "1", "servicios_id": "1077", "componente_id": "1", "sub_componente_id": "1", "sub_sub_componentes_id": "1"}] [{"id": 2548, "cantidad": "2", "costoini": "123", "partidas_id": "1", "servicios_id": "1077", "componente_id": "1", "sub_componente_id": "1", "sub_sub_componentes_id": "1"}, {"id": 7555, "cantidad": "4", "costoini": "124", "partidas_id": "2", "servicios_id": "1078", "componente_id": "1", "sub_componente_id": "1", "sub_sub_componentes_id": "1"}]
You need to use
to convert the json array into an array of arrays (json_decode($json, true)
) or an array of objects (json_decode($json)
)A better option is to define this behavior in the
property of the Eloquent model.