I have a problem deleting a row from a table.
I use these queries to first delete its foreign key and then delete the column that the key points to.
ALTER TABLE resources drop foreign key fk_res_to_addr; ALTER TABLE resources drop column address_id;
Removing constraints works well. Dropping the column fails with Cannot drop index 'fk_res_to_addr': required in a foreign key constraint
I first tried (and still try) to find out what is still dependent on that index. I used this query (found in this answer):
But there is nothing there.
Then I tried disabling the check:
Of course, then re-enable them. This also has no effect.
Is there anything else I can do to figure out what depends on this index? Am I missing something?
** EDIT - table definition as requested** This is the current table definition. As you can see, address_id now has a foreign key, but the index is still there.
create table resources ( id bigint auto_increment primary key, created bigint not null, lastModified bigint not null, uuid varchar(255) not null, description longtext null, internalName varchar(80) null, publicName varchar(80) not null, origin varchar(80) null, archived bigint unsigned null, contact_id bigint null, colorClass varchar(80) null, address_id bigint null, url mediumtext null, constraint uuid unique (uuid), constraint FK_contact_id foreign key (contact_id) references users (id) ) charset = utf8; create index fk_res_to_addr on resources (address_id); create index idx_resources_archived on resources (archived); create index idx_resources_created on resources (created);
If you are willing to try it
It may tell you whether fk_res_to_addr' was actually deleted.
I haven't encountered this before, but it's so bad I suspect there may be a mysql bug. It works "just" in mariadb.
You should see the error Can't DROP 'fk_res_to_addr'; Check if the column/key exists and the error you reported - see https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=mysql_5.7&fiddle=c5b0bbc9d6c12f74e00ba8d059a15638
On creation, mysql creates the index using the name you assigned to fk and assigns its own name to fk. The result is the error mentioned above plus https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=mysql_5. 7&fiddle=c5b0bbc9d6c12f74e00ba8d059a15638.
I suggest you try removing the key, then the foreign key, then the column.