I have vue data:
data: { offices: requestData, selectedFloors: [ "3", "4", "5", "10", "11", "12", ], minJobAngle: 0, maxJobAngle: 80, minAreaAngle: 0, maxAreaAngle: 900 }
I need to filter table rows using selected floors. Filtering is working fine but the order of selected floors in filter is 10, 11, 12, 3, 4, 5
I have this function in my method
getFilteredOffices() { const areaMin = this.sliderAreaMin; const areaMax = this.sliderAreaMax; const jobsMin = this.sliderJobMin; const jobsMax = this.sliderJobMax; const floors = this.selectedFloors; return this.offices.filter(function (item) { if (item.acf.suurus < areaMin || item.acf.suurus > areaMax) { return false; } if (item.acf.tookohad < jobsMin || item.acf.tookohad > jobsMax) { return false; } if (!floors.includes(item.acf.floor)) { return false; } return true; }); }
This calculation is insufficient
getAvailableFloors() { const set = new Set(); const sorted = this.offices.sort((a, b) => { if (a.acf.floor > b.acf.floor) { return 1; } if (a.acf.floor < b.acf.floor) { return -1; } return 0; }); sorted.forEach((office) => { set.add(office.acf.floor); }); return set; },
This is my html
<label :class="['checkbox-label floor' + item]" v-for="item in this.getAvailableFloors"> <input type="checkbox" name="floor" :value="item" v-model="selectedFloors"> @{{ item }} <span class="checkmark"></span> </label>
Any idea what I'm missing and how to display these floors as 3, 4, 5, 10, 11%
For example, you need to use
to convert the floor to a number. This will compare between numbers, not strings.When you compare strings, you get alphabetical ordering (lexicographic order), e.g.
10 < 2
.This is the fixed sorting function:
You are comparing strings not numbers. The strings
are lower than2
. UseparseInt
to convert strings before comparing.