I need to generate the average sales for each title between 2019 and 2021. There are 2 input tables:
Title Table Title_id Title_type Price_per 1 tv 10 2 book 50 3 cd 20 Transactions table(trans) tran_id Title_id Qty year 1 3 2 2019 2 1 1 2019 3 3 5 2020 4 3 3 2020 5 1 10 2021
The expected result should generate the following columns:
Title_id|Avg_sales_2019|Avg_sales_2020|Avg_sales_2021 title_id avg_sales_2019 avg_sales_2020 avg_sales_2021 1 10.0 NULL 100.0 3 40.0 80.0 NULL
I used the query below but it did not generate the expected output
select a.title_id, case when a.year=2019 then avg end as Avg_sales_2019, case when a.year=2020 then avg end as Avg_sales_2020, case when a.year=2021 then avg end as Avg_sales_2021 from (Select t.title_id, x.year, AVG(t.Price_per*x.Qty) as avg from title t join trans x on t.title_id=x.title_id group by t.title_id,x.year) a; title_id avg_sales_2019 avg_sales_2020 avg_sales_2021 1 10.0 NULL NULL 1 NULL NULL 100.0 3 40.0 NULL NULL 3 NULL 80.0 NULL
How to combine rows for a specific title_id to get the expected result
Note: I am running the query in Hive
Use conditional aggregation: