I have a many-to-many relationship with the following structure:
|Table receipts | |- id | |- code | |- date | ----------------------- |Table plans | |- id | |- number | |- name | ----------------------- |Table plan_receipt |(Pivot) |- id | |- receipt_id | |- plan_id | |- employee_id | ----------------------- |Table employees | |- id | |- name | -----------------------
As you can see, I have the typical many-to-many
relationship, resulting in a pivot table containing the keys from said table, but I also have a third foreign key
Reference another table "employees"
, how can I associate this employee table with my table? pivot? Tried creating a model for the pivot table and establishing relationships other than using ->using()
but so far it hasn't worked for me and I'll leave you with the one I currently Model example.
class Receipt extends Model { public function plans() { return $this->belongsToMany(Plan::class)->using(PlanReceipt::class); } } class Plan extends Model { public function receipts() { return $this->belongsToMany(Receipt::class); } } class PlanReceipt extends Pivot { protected $table = 'plan_receipt'; public function employee() { return $this->belongsTo(Employee::class, 'employee_id'); } } class Employee extends Model { public function plan_receipt() { return $this->hasMany(PlanReceipt::class, 'id'); } }
I guess you need to make the following two changes