I have a store on Dutchie.com. I want to use an API key to access their products. This must be done through the Dutchie API using GraphQL integrated with PHP.
This is a sample API key:
This is a GraphQL Ping mutation.
mutation Ping { ping { id, time } }
Dutchie endpoint: https://plus.dutchie.com/plus/2021-07/graphql
http header parameters { "Authorization": "Host API key here" }
Ping output
Basically I want to run a GraphQL query in my PHP page. I will add it to my WordPress page later.
I tried php-graphql-client php library. Can someone help me to do this using the above library or another would be really appreciated. I wasted too much time on this because I knew very little about GraphQL.
This is the code I tried.
$client = new Client( 'https://plus.dutchie.com/plus/2021-07/graphql', ['Authorization => Bearer API Key here'] ); // Create the GraphQL mutation $gql = (new Mutation('Ping')) ->setSelectionSet( [ 'id', 'time', ] ); // Run query to get results try { $results = $client->runQuery($gql); } catch (QueryError $exception) { // Catch query error and desplay error details print_r($exception->getErrorDetails()); exit; } // Display original response from endpoint var_dump($results->getResponseObject()); // Display part of the returned results of the object var_dump($results->getData()->pokemon); // Reformat the results to an array and get the results of part of the array $results->reformatResults(true); print_r($results->getData()['data']);
The error I get. https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/blob/master/src/MessageTrait.php
instead of: