I tried using ConditionExpression when inserting items in the database but it doesn't work, the php script breaks when the Putitem() function runs.
If the item does not exist, I want to insert the item.
$response = $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => 'tablename', 'Item' => array( 'serialNumber' => array('S' => 'test123'), 'deviceType' => array('S' => '1') ), 'ConditionExpression' => 'attribute_not_exists(serialNumber)' ));
I tried var_dump $response but the code breaks on the function above.
serialNumber It is a partition key and should work as expected.
The code below works fine, but he replaces the existing items with new values, which is what I don't want to happen.
$response = $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => 'tablename', 'Item' => array( 'serialNumber' => array('S' => 'test123'), 'deviceType' => array('S' => '1') ) ));
When the condition you set evaluates to false, you are expected to return a
. Try wrapping the code in atry/catch
block and see if it works as expected?