I don't know why I'm not getting the value from the modal in my Laravel controller. Please check it for me.
However, I use the same code for other modes and controllers. It's working and returning the value from the property without any issues.
I'm using Laravel 8 and php 8.1;
Below is my code.
public function edit(mpd $mpd) { dd($mpd); }
use App\Models\taxcategories; class mpd extends Model { use HasFactory; public $table = 'purchdata'; protected $primaryKey = 'sno'; protected $dates = [ 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'approved_at', ]; protected $fillable = [ 'sno', 'supplier', 'stockid', 'price', 'discount', 'disc_flag', 'tax_category', 'preferred', 'createby', 'modifiedby', 'approvedby', 'history', ]; /** * Get the tax_category that owns the maintainpurchasingdata * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function tax_category(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(taxcategories::class, 'tax_category', 'taxrate'); } }
Route::resource('maintainpurchase', 'MpdController');
Route model binding will automatically determine the variable name based on the name in front of the variable name
For example:
Route::resource('images', 'ImageController')
Image $image
to exist in the controller.Use
php artisan route:list
and find the value between brackets and changeto
Or use the parameter function on the routing resource definition to modify the parameter name