I get this warning when I try to install the swagger package
Unable to download swagger-api/swagger-ui from dist: zip extension and unzip/7z command are both missing, skipped. The php.ini used by your command line PHP is: D:\xampp\php\php.ini Now try downloading from source
After a while I got this error
In Process.php line 1204: Process "git clone --no-checkout -- https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui.git D:\xampp\htdocs\laravel-10\vendor\swagger-api\swagger-ui &&
d /D D:\xampp\htdocs\laravel-10\vendor\swagger-api\swagger-ui && git remotely add composer-- https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui.git && git fe < /p>
tch composer && git remote set-url source -- https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui.git && git remote set-url composer -- https://github.com/swa
gger-api/swagger-ui.git" exceeded the timeout of 300 seconds.
There are two questions here.
- Composer timed out. (Timeout exceeded 300 seconds.)
extension is missing. (zip extension and unzip/7z command are missing, skip)First error
and delete the leading semicolon.the second term