I'm trying to make some kind of password recovery feature (don't ask why).
I have a WordPress website and use a gravity form to ask customers for their email addresses. I then want to use that address to find the corresponding woo-commerce product that has the same email address added as a custom attribute (pa_e-mail). I then want to use another attribute, which is to save the password (no need for super strong security, md5, hashing, etc.) as a custom attribute (pa_pw) and send that password back to Gravity Forms to email it to user. Also, I want to send a link to the product using a permalink.
My code so far is in functions.php, and in the gravity form I have two text fields that can receive dynamic fill. (edit_pw and edit_link)
function get_pw_by_email( $email ) { // Get all products $products = wc_get_products( array( 'limit' => -1, 'status' => 'publish', ) ); // Loop through the products foreach ( $products as $product ) { // Get the value of the "pa_e-mail" attribute $pa_email = $product->get_attribute('pa_e-mail'); // Check if the "pa_e-mail" attribute matches the email if ( $pa_email == $email ) { // Get the value of the "pa_pw" attribute $pa_pw = $product->get_attribute('pa_pw'); // Return the value of the "pa_pw" attribute return $pa_pw; // Break the loop break; } } } function get_product_permalink_by_email( $email ) { // Get all products $products = wc_get_products( array( 'limit' => -1, 'status' => 'publish', ) ); // Loop through the products foreach ( $products as $product ) { // Get the value of the "pa_e-mail" attribute $pa_email = $product->get_attribute('pa_e-mail'); // Check if the "pa_e-mail" attribute matches the email if ( $pa_email == $email ) { $permalink = $product->get_permalink(); // Return the permalink return $permalink; // Break the loop break; } } } add_filter( 'gform_field_value_edit_link', 'my_custom_population_function1' ); function my_custom_population_function1($value) { if ( rgpost( 'is_submit_6') ) { // Form has been submitted, so retrieve the values from the database // get mail address from gf field $email = rgar($entry, '4'); // Permalink $link = get_product_permalink_by_email($email); // Output the value of $link to the PHP error log error_log( 'edit_link: ' . $link ); return $link; } else { // Form has not been submitted, so return an empty value return ''; } } add_filter( 'gform_field_value_edit_pw', 'my_custom_population_function2' ); function my_custom_population_function2($value) { if ( rgpost( 'is_submit_6') ) { // Form has been submitted, so retrieve the values from the database // get mail address from gf field $email = rgar($entry, '4'); // Password $password = get_pw_by_email($email); // Output the value of $password to the PHP error log error_log( 'edit_pw: ' . $password ); return $password; } else { // Form has not been submitted, so return an empty value return ''; } }
But the emails I receive only have null values, where I want {Link:6} and {Passwort:7} to be displayed.
I rewrote the code.
And I'm pretty sure, it was this line that caused the "error":
If I manually enter the email address as $email, it works as expected. So there must be some issue with Gravity Forms that is not passing the value of the email input text field (ID 4).
Any tips?
I finally started working! My problem is that the value of my email field (ID4) cannot be accessed in the $enrtry variable of the "gform_field_value_" filter.
This is my working code: