I love vue.js and I definitely love computed properties and VueX
getters. But I've reached a point where I'm not sure if the way I'm using them will have some performance disadvantages.
This is a common pattern in my code (also true for local component data and computed properties):
Start with this simple state (source of truth):
export default () => ({ bonds: { eth: [], celo: [] } })
In my getter I usually do it the following way:
export default { getBondsEth(state) { return state.bonds.eth }, getBondsCelo(state) { return state.bonds.celo }, getTotalBondsEth(_, getters) { return getters.getBondsEth.length }, getTotalBondsCelo(_, getters) { return getters.getBondsCelo.length }, getTotalBonds(_, getters) { return getters.getTotalBondsEth + getters.getTotalBondsCelo }, getWhateverComputationEth(_, getters) { return getters.getBondsEth.reduce... or map or filter or find etc.... } ... }
So, my question will be
Is this considered a bad practice since I'm using a getter that depends on other getters? Are these considered circular dependencies?
Should I always derive my getters directly from the source of truth? For example, change the above to...
getTotalBonds(state) { return state.bonds.eth.length + state.bonds.celo.length }
Thank you very much if you take the time to answer!
This will not be a circular dependency. A circular dependency will only occur when getter
depends on getterB
, which in turn depends on getterA
, which will lead to infinite recursion .The
getters are OK, but as far as I know Vue calls them on every tick (for more information on whatis, click here) , which is wasteful in most cases. Therefore, for values that rarely change, it is recommended to use computed, because
will only be called once, and Vue will cache the execution results.