import React from 'react' import {Search} from "@material-ui/icons/Search" const App = () => { return ( <div> <Search/> </div> ) } export default App
Export 'search' (imported as 'search') not found in '@material-ui/icons/Search' (possible export: __esModule, default)
Export 'search' (imported as 'search') not found in '@material-ui/icons/Search' (possible export: __esModule, default)
The search icon is not imported, but I installed the material package, but it is not displayed in package.json
If you look carefully at your import declaration
You are importing a module named "Search", which already has a default export.
In order to use the default export you should use
If you want to import multiple icons, you should use route
,Then use all the icons you want, here's how to achieve this:
Install and run:
The correct import is:
You must install it if you haven’t already
You can find all icons here: -ui/material-icons/