I'm looking for a possibility to (re)use the results of a SQL select to get the values of different sub-selects within the same query
First, I should get $ValueToUse by selecting like this:
SELECT `cb_campaignid` as ValueToUse FROM `#__team_groups` WHERE `id` = '$Value'
For the "ValueToUse" result, I would like to make the next selection in the same SQL query statement if possible.
SELECT coalesce (nullif (SUM(Amount), ''), '0') as general_amount, (SELECT SUM(c.cb_stand) FROM #__employees c, #__team_users u where c.user_id=u.user_id and u.group=(select id from #__team_groups where cb_campaignid='$ValueToUse')) as teamleden_tussenstand, (select title from #__customer_campaigns where id='$ValueToUse') as title, (select id from #__team_groups where cb_campaignid='$ValueToUse') as groupID, (select goal from #__customer_campaigns where id='$ValueToUse') as goal FROM #__customer_payments WHERE published = 1 and campaign_id = '$ValueToUse'
What is the best way to obtain these results?
How about using the first result as a variable?