Using the code below, I can enter information into my MySQL table in the post method and the information is logged in the table. I also check it in js terminal. Using the "node api.js" command, the last information seems to be registered. But when I check with Postman, the last added information is not showing.
const mysql = require('mysql'); const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const port = 3000; let cevap; const baglanti = mysql.createConnection({ host: 'example', user: 'example', password: 'example', database: 'example' }); baglanti.connect(); baglanti.query('SELECT * FROM users', function (error, results, fields) { if (error) throw error; cevap = results; console.log(results); baglanti.end(); });'/users', (req, res) => { res.send(cevap); }); app.listen(port, () => { console.log("worked"); });
If you look at the first photo, I can see the information added in the terminal, but the last entered information is not visible in the second photo (i.e. on the postman screen).
What I want is to be able to view all added users in Postman. When I add a new user, I immediately see it from postman (already registered to the MySQL table)
Every time you need new data, you have to query the database for the new data.
Ofc. You could cache it or something, but that's probably too advanced for this case.