I'm trying to use custom routing with nested resources. Request is a "real" resource for a table on the database, while Participants is a "virtual" resource that references the request_details table.
I have the following:
<Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}> <Resource name="requests" list={RequestsList} create={NewRequest} edit={EditRequest} > <Route path=":reqID/participants" element={<ReqParticipantsList />} /> <Route path=":reqID/participant/:partID" element={<ReqParticipantsEdit />} /> </Resource> </Admin>
When I go to /requests/11/participants, the following code is loaded for the ReqParticipantsList component and everything works fine:
<ListBase resource="request_details">
But when I go to /requests/11/participant/205 and the ReqParticipantsEdit component's code contains
<EditBase resource="request_details">
I am redirected to /request_details with an error (obviously).
In the ReqParticipantsEdit component, I tried using Edit, EditBase, ResourceContextProvider, but nothing seemed to work. If I use simple paragraphs to "record"
<p>{`Request ID: ${reqID}, Participant ID: ${partID}`}</p>
Correctly returns 2 values (reqID and partID)
Where did I go wrong?
If I understand correctly, I think you want: