I implement route protection by creating a protection page, whenever the user is not logged in, I wrap it in the page to be protected, but if the user is logged in, he/she is returned to the login page, I Wondering what my protected page is missing. Here's what I implemented in Protect.js:
import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import React, { useEffect,useState } from 'react' import {useUser} from "src/contexts/useUser" import { supabase } from 'src/db/supabase' const Protect = ({children}) => { // const {user,isLoading} = useUser() const {auth,isauth}=supabase.auth.getSession() const{user,isLoading}=supabase.auth.getUser() const [authenticatedState, setAuthenticatedState] = useState('not-authenticated') const Router = useRouter() useEffect(()=>{ if(!isLoading && !user){ Router.replace('/auth/login') } },[isLoading,user,Router,auth,isauth]) return ( <> {children}</> ) } export default Protect
The following is my protected page:
import Head from 'next/head'; import { subDays, subHours } from 'date-fns'; import { Box, Container, Unstable_Grid2 as Grid } from '@mui/material'; import { Layout as DashboardLayout } from 'src/layouts/dashboard/layout'; import { OverviewBudget } from 'src/sections/overview/overview-budget'; import { OverviewLatestOrders } from 'src/sections/overview/overview-latest-orders'; import { OverviewLatestProducts } from 'src/sections/overview/overview-latest-products'; import { OverviewSales } from 'src/sections/overview/overview-sales'; import { OverviewTasksProgress } from 'src/sections/overview/overview-tasks-progress'; import { OverviewTotalCustomers } from 'src/sections/overview/overview-total-customers'; import { OverviewTotalProfit } from 'src/sections/overview/overview-total-profit'; import { OverviewTraffic } from 'src/sections/overview/overview-traffic'; // import {useUser} from 'src/contexts/user' import { useRouter } from 'next/router'; import { useEffect } from 'react'; import Protect from 'src/contexts/Protect'; import { supabase } from 'src/db/supabase'; const now = new Date(); const Page = () => { const router = useRouter() // const user = useUser() useEffect(()=>{ const user = supabase.auth.getUser() if(!user){ router.push('/auth/login') } }) return( <Protect> <> <Box component="main" sx={{ flexGrow: 1, py: 8 }} > <Container maxWidth="xl"> <Grid container spacing={3} > <Grid xs={12} sm={6} lg={3} > <OverviewBudget difference={12} positive sx={{ height: '100%' }} value="k" /> </Grid> <Grid xs={12} sm={6} lg={3} > <OverviewTotalCustomers difference={16} positive={false} sx={{ height: '100%' }} value="1.6k" /> </Grid> <Grid xs={12} sm={6} lg={3} > <OverviewTasksProgress sx={{ height: '100%' }} value={75.5} /> </Grid> <Grid xs={12} sm={6} lg={3} > <OverviewTotalProfit sx={{ height: '100%' }} value="k" /> </Grid> <Grid xs={12} lg={8} > <OverviewSales chartSeries={[ { name: 'This year', data: [18, 16, 5, 8, 3, 14, 14, 16, 17, 19, 18, 20] }, { name: 'Last year', data: [12, 11, 4, 6, 2, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13] } ]} sx={{ height: '100%' }} /> </Grid> <Grid xs={12} md={6} lg={4} > <OverviewTraffic chartSeries={[63, 15, 22]} labels={['Desktop', 'Tablet', 'Phone']} sx={{ height: '100%' }} /> </Grid> <Grid xs={12} md={6} lg={4} > <OverviewLatestProducts products={[ { id: '5ece2c077e39da27658aa8a9', image: '/assets/products/product-1.png', name: 'Healthcare Erbology', updatedAt: subHours(now, 6).getTime() }, { id: '5ece2c0d16f70bff2cf86cd8', image: '/assets/products/product-2.png', name: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', updatedAt: subDays(subHours(now, 8), 2).getTime() }, { id: 'b393ce1b09c1254c3a92c827', image: '/assets/products/product-5.png', name: 'Skincare Soja CO', updatedAt: subDays(subHours(now, 1), 1).getTime() }, { id: 'a6ede15670da63f49f752c89', image: '/assets/products/product-6.png', name: 'Makeup Lipstick', updatedAt: subDays(subHours(now, 3), 3).getTime() }, { id: 'bcad5524fe3a2f8f8620ceda', image: '/assets/products/product-7.png', name: 'Healthcare Ritual', updatedAt: subDays(subHours(now, 5), 6).getTime() } ]} sx={{ height: '100%' }} /> </Grid> <Grid xs={12} md={12} lg={8} > <OverviewLatestOrders orders={[ { id: 'f69f88012978187a6c12897f', ref: 'DEV1049', amount: 30.5, customer: { name: 'Ekaterina Tankova' }, createdAt: 1555016400000, status: 'pending' }, { id: '9eaa1c7dd4433f413c308ce2', ref: 'DEV1048', amount: 25.1, customer: { name: 'Cao Yu' }, createdAt: 1555016400000, status: 'delivered' }, { id: '01a5230c811bd04996ce7c13', ref: 'DEV1047', amount: 10.99, customer: { name: 'Alexa Richardson' }, createdAt: 1554930000000, status: 'refunded' }, ]} sx={{ height: '100%' }} /> </Grid> </Grid> </Container> </Box> </> </Protect> ) }; Page.getLayout = (page) => ( <DashboardLayout> {page} </DashboardLayout> ); export default Page;
I tried to get the user from supabase using getUser() hook in supabase but it doesn't work
is an asynchronous method, so you have to useawait
to get the value, it only returnsdata
object, so nouser
.You can call
which will route the user to the login page ifdata
is empty.