I have a multi-step form and when I try to submit it shows this error. However, if I use the createOrganization schedule in its simple form, it works. Is it a back-end problem or a front-end problem? What could I have done wrong? I would appreciate any tips
import Stepper from "./components/Stepper"; import Account from "./components/steps/Account"; import Details from "./components/steps/Details"; import Payment from "./components/steps/Payment"; import { createOrganization } from "../../../features/organization/organizationSlice"; const Onboarding = () => { const toast = useToast() const [step, setStep] = useState(0); const steps = ["", "", "",]; const navigate = useNavigate(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const { organization, isError, isSuccess, message } = useSelector( (state) => state.organization ); const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ businessName: "", businessEmail: "", currency: "", industry: "", businessDescription: "", useCase: "", organizationType: "", website: "", businessPhone: "", country: "", billingName: "", billingEmail: "", addressState: "", addressCity: "", addressStreet: "" }); const displayStep = () => { switch (step) { case 0: return <Account formData={formData} setFormData={setFormData} />; case 1: return <Details formData={formData} setFormData={setFormData} />; case 2: return <Payment formData={formData} setFormData={setFormData} />; default: } }; const handleSubmit = () => { dispatch(createOrganization(formData)) } }; return ( <Stepper steps={steps} step={step} /> <div className="my-5 p-10 "> <div>{displayStep()}</div> {step > 0 && <Button onClick={() => setStep(step - 1)}>Back</Button>} <Button onClick={handleSubmit}> { step === 0 || step === 1 ? "Next" : "Submit" } </Button>
Organize Slice.jsx
import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"; import organizationService from "./organizationService"; const initialState = { organization: [], isLoading: false, isError: false, isSuccess: false, message: "", }; export const createOrganization = createAsyncThunk( "organization/createOrganization", async (organization, thunkAPI) => { try { const token = thunkAPI.getState().auth.user.token; console.log("USER TOKEN", token); return await organizationService.createOrganization(organization, token); } catch (error) { const message = (error.response && error.response.data && error.response.data.message) || error.message || error.toString(); return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue(message); } } ); export const organizationSlice = createSlice({ name: "organization", initialState, extraReducers: (builder) => { builder .addCase(createOrganization.pending, (state) => { state.isLoading = true; state.isError = false; }) .addCase(createOrganization.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.isLoading = false; state.isSuccess = true; state.organization = action.payload; }) .addCase(createOrganization.rejected, (state, action) => { state.isLoading = false; state.isError = true; state.message = action.payload; }); }, }); export default organizationSlice.reducer;
Organization Service.jsx
import axios from "axios"; // Create Business const createOrganization = async (formData, token) => { const config = { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, }, }; const response = await axios.post( `${LOCAL}/api/v1/organization/create-business`, formData, config ); return response.data; }; const organizationService = { createOrganization, }; export default organizationService;
It should be async({formData}, token), not async(formData, token)
Update: Apparently doing this returns null in all fields