I'm trying to change the background image of a pane when the application is maximized. My background is set using inline css. I set up two different variables and an if statement for the style. However, I'm having no luck getting it to change style.
String cssStyle = "-fx-background-image: url(\'file:images/poker_table.png\');" + "-fx-background-position: center center;" + "-fx-background-radius: 15;" + // ************* For rounded corners "-fx-background-size: 100% 100%;"; String cssStyle2 = "-fx-background-image: url(\'file:images/poker_table.jpg\');" + "-fx-background-position: center center;" + "-fx-background-radius: 15;" + "-fx-background-size: 100% 100%;"; if (!primaryStage.isMaximized()) { gameScreen.setStyle(cssStyle); } else { gameScreen.setStyle(cssStyle2); }
Just add a listener to the Stage's
. Properties and listeners are a fundamental part of the JavaFX API: you can find them in the Standards Documentation, or any good JavaFX tutorial.You may also want to set appropriate styles immediately using existing code.
You can also use binding if you prefer:
Binding replaces your existing code; it is applied immediately and when