$("p")warp('<div></div>') 这是给每一匹配的P元素添加父元素,
$("p")warpAll('<div></div>') 这是给所匹配P元素(兄弟元素)添加公用一个父元素,这些都好理解,但是他们的回调函数都是给每一个匹配的元素添加父元素,这是为什么?
Why is the warp() callback function the same as the warpAll callback function? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-Why is the warp() callback function the same as the warpAll callback function? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
Please watch and learn.
因为都是用来包裹!回调函数的返回值用于用于包裹匹配元素的 HTML 内容或 jQuery 对象
Why is the warp() callback function the same as the warpAll callback function? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-Why is the warp() callback function the same as the warpAll callback function? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
Please watch and learn.
因为都是用来包裹!回调函数的返回值用于用于包裹匹配元素的 HTML 内容或 jQuery 对象