php 中这个字符“=>"表示什么意思?
What does the character "=>" in php mean? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-What does the character "=>" in php mean? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
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"=>"(等号、右尖括号)数组中给值赋值,比如:$arr=array("one" =>("1"=>10, "2"=>20), "two"=>2); 那么$arr["one"]["1"]=10;
What does the character "=>" in php mean? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-What does the character "=>" in php mean? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
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数组中给值赋值,比如:$arr=array("one" =>("1"=>10, "2"=>20), "two"=>2); 那么$arr["one"]["1"]=10;