I accidentally entered </br> and found that line breaks can also be achieved, and then I tried <br> and <br/> also worked. What is the reason? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-I accidentally entered </br> and found that line breaks can also be achieved, and then I tried <br> and <br/>. What is the reason? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
I accidentally entered </br> and found that line breaks can also be achieved, and then I tried <br> and <br/> also worked. What is the reason? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-I accidentally entered </br> and found that line breaks can also be achieved, and then I tried <br> and <br/>. What is the reason? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
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根据版本的不同标准也不一样,HTML4中是<br />是这种的,而在HTML5中直接写<br>就可以,不用在意这个,只是版本标准不一样而已