<script type="text/javascript">//函数可以像参数一样从一个函数传递到另外一个函数,也可以将一个函数作为另外一个函数的结果返回
function add(a,b){ return a+b;}function show(fun,num){ return fun(num,88);}show(add,66);
The running results of the function-PHP Chinese website Q&A-The running results of the function-PHP Chinese website Q&A
Take a look around and learn.
你没有存结果 你可以用个变量存起来 比如var sum=show(add,66); console.log(sum);
The running results of the function-PHP Chinese website Q&A-The running results of the function-PHP Chinese website Q&A
Take a look around and learn.
你没有存结果 你可以用个变量存起来 比如var sum=show(add,66); console.log(sum);