<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset=utf-8"> <title>制作我的第一个网页</title> </head> <body> <h1></h1> </body> </html>
There is a piece of code that I don’t understand very well. Can someone explain it to me? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-There is a piece of code that I don’t understand very well. Can someone explain it to me? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
Please watch and learn.
<head> --------------------头部标签开始
<meta charset=utf-8">-------------设置网页编码
<title>制作我的第一个网页</title> ----------浏览器上显示的标题文字
<h1></h1> ---------------网页内容<h1>标签,用来做标题
There is a piece of code that I don’t understand very well. Can someone explain it to me? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-There is a piece of code that I don’t understand very well. Can someone explain it to me? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
Please watch and learn.
<head> --------------------头部标签开始
<meta charset=utf-8">-------------设置网页编码
<title>制作我的第一个网页</title> ----------浏览器上显示的标题文字
<h1></h1> ---------------网页内容<h1>标签,用来做标题