How to traverse all the months-PHP Chinese website Q&A-How to traverse all the months-PHP Chinese website Q&A
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function traverse(start, end) { start = start.split('-'); end = end.split('-'); var startYear = parseInt(start[0]), startMon = parseInt(start[1]), endYear = parseInt(end[0]), endMon = parseInt(end[1]); if(startMon<1 || startMon>12){ throw new Error('初始月份不正确'); } if(endMon<1 || endMon>12){ throw new Error('终止月份不正确'); } var result = []; var year, mon; for (year = startYear; year < endYear;) { for(mon = startMon; mon<=12; mon++){ result.push(year +'-'+ (mon<10?'0'+mon:mon)); if(mon == 12) year++; } } if(startYear == endYear){ mon = startMon; }else{ mon = 1; } for (; mon <= endMon; mon++) { result.push(endYear +'-'+ (mon<10?'0'+mon:mon)); } return result; }
How to traverse all the months-PHP Chinese website Q&A-How to traverse all the months-PHP Chinese website Q&A
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