Not Found The requested URL /a,pp was not found on this server.-PHP Chinese website Q&A-Not Found The requested URL /a,pp was not found on this server.-PHP Chinese website Q&A
Take a look around and learn.
A,PP这是配置的什么服务器名称?服务未找到该文件,这是你对localhost没有配置好,如果你没有对配置修改过,加上端口号试试(默认端口号为8080),例如: 或者localhost:8080/test.php
Not Found The requested URL /a,pp was not found on this server.-PHP Chinese website Q&A-Not Found The requested URL /a,pp was not found on this server.-PHP Chinese website Q&A
Take a look around and learn.
A,PP这是配置的什么服务器名称?服务未找到该文件,这是你对localhost没有配置好,如果你没有对配置修改过,加上端口号试试(默认端口号为8080),例如: 或者localhost:8080/test.php