How to implement the same page. When you click on the previous question or the next question, the content can be switched back and forth. For example, I took this picture. Seek guidance from God? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-How to implement the same page. When clicking on the previous question or the next question, the content can be switched back and forth. For example, I took this picture. Seek guidance from God? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
How to implement the same page. When you click on the previous question or the next question, the content can be switched back and forth. For example, I took this picture. Seek guidance from God? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-How to implement the same page. When clicking on the previous question or the next question, the content can be switched back and forth. For example, I took this picture. Seek guidance from God? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
Let’s take a look and learn.
有多种办法来实现你的需求, 至于你的数据怎么获取, 就不说了(你可以通过后台直接传过来, 也可以通过ajax去后台等等), 在这里说下比较简单的实现思路.
上一题 下一题 两个按钮单独放在一个块元素内.
所有的题需要有索引, 且每个题都由一个div(或块元素)包裹起来.
初始显示的索引为0的题, 当点击下一题时, 只有索引为1的题显示, 其他都隐藏(这个主要通过控制当前索引的div的显示或隐藏来实现).当达到临界值是, 上一题或下一题的按钮无法点击.