php How to get the total orders for each month in the current month and the previous 24 months? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-php How to get the total order count for each month in the current month and the previous 24 months? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
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$orders = array(); // 储存每个月的订单$current_year = (int) date('Y-m', time()); // 当前年份$current_month = (int) date('Y-m', time()); // 当前月份for ($i = 1; $i < 25; $i++) { // 循环24次 // 获取本月最后一天24点的时间戳(为什么这样获取呢?看示例,例如:1月31日24点 = 2月1日0点) $timestamp_end = strtotime($current_year . $current_month); // 注意current_year和month都是上次循环的 // 本次循环要获取订单数的月份 $current_month = $current_month - $i; if ($current_month === 0) { // 月份减一等于零,证明是要从1月跳到上一年的12月 $current_month = 12; // 本次要获取订单数的月份 $current_year = $current_year - 1; // 本次要获取订单数的年份 } // 获取本月第一天0点的时间戳 $timestamp_start = strtotime($current_year . $current_month); // 获取这个月刚开始时的时间戳 // 根据时间戳获取订单(传入的时间戳区间就是这个月的) $sql = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE create_time >= $start_timestamp AND create_time <= $end_timestamp"; // 后面查这段sql就可以获取当月订单了,(假设这个query()是执行sql的方法) $orders[$current_year][$current_month] = query($sql); }
php How to get the total orders for each month in the current month and the previous 24 months? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-php How to get the total order count for each month in the current month and the previous 24 months? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
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