我给 goagent 做了一个主页,想在载入速度上做优化, 目前做的前端优化有:
把 www.goagent.org CNAME 到 goagentorg.duapp.com, 保证国内打开速度。但是 BAE 貌似目前不支持裸域名的跳转,所以 goagent.org 跳到 www.goagent.org 还需要从 goddady 执行一次 301, 不知道这个有没有什么好办法。
http://www.goagent.org 做了 css/js 嵌入,但是我是一个前端新手,不知道这个页面可以如何继续优化,html 代码布局, js 压缩什么的。还请前端大人不吝指教。
如何还有没注意到地方,还请一并赐教 :)
Problem has been resolved:
After using dnspod.cn for three months, you can turn on the "Display URL" forwarding function, which is now solved.
It opens very quickly now...
For 301, it may be much faster to go from China, such as dnspod
It’s really fast~ It’s not a big project~ There’s no need to optimize like this~
"The compression optimization of this website is very good!" - Alibaba Test
GTMetrix seems to have given 3 suggestions. I said I couldn't understand.
Is the website still under maintenance?