在初始的频道grid中,点击其中的一个grid,可以打开到detail,这时候有一个动画的效果,在detail-view-controller push进来之前,整个view有一个下沉的感觉,不知道这个效果是怎么实现的?
思路 1.截一张当前屏幕的图,把图显示出来的,改变图的frame,往中间缩小? 然后push 进来,再把图去掉? 2.把当前的整个view的frame变化,但是这样需要把里面的每一个元素的frame都发生变化才行吧
1. Directly
self.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.8,0.8)
All controls inside will be reduced simultaneously
2. Additional cooperation is required
self.view.center = xxx;
Move slightly downward
3. It would be better to add a shadow on the upper layer and create a transparency gradient animation
1. Directly
All controls inside will be reduced simultaneously
2. Additional cooperation is required
Move slightly downward
3. It would be better to add a shadow on the upper layer and create a transparency gradient animation