我简单描述下问题所在,因为之前修改过root密码 但第二天就已密码错误被狠狠的打死在服务器门外,(此处怀疑是被攻击过,或者其他途径破解了root mm) 造成网站无法进行备份,以及重要程序的修改,由此我到了机房想通过开机引导页面来修改root 的密码,当我很兴奋重启无误时,我蛋疼了,因为曾经装过这台linux 服务器的网管或者!@#¥%在内核上了 group密码,当时只是蛋疼,于是我想通过光盘进入救援模式来修改root密码,当我花费半天时间才刻好盘的时候,提示报错,无法挂载源系统目录,因此判定,曾经装服务器的时候没有进行过分区,全都是默认安装,蛋碎了,于是又想到另外一个方法,用一台另外的服务器电脑,去修改数据盘的配置文件,但是考虑到如果服务器硬盘做过 riad 和lvm 逻辑卷的话,此项的操作将有可能损坏硬盘数据,放弃了这个想法。现在想问问各位大牛,大婶,大叔,有木有更好的方法或者想杀了我的创意,你们都多多指教,我聆听便是,求大家帮帮忙。
If your Grub is encrypted and you cannot enter the single-user mode, the most direct way is to remove the Grub password. Using LiveCD is the easiest way
First go here to download one liveusb-creator
Follow the prompts, make a live USB, and then boot from this live USB
Then try to mount /dev/sdaOOXX or something on mnt, find the location of etc, modify grub.conf, and remove the password
Then enter single user (you know how to enter single user~~grub e 1 b or something)
Then change the root password and you’re done
Remove the hard drive and export the data.
Then reinstall the system.
First of all, let me complain about your description, it is too formatless and has too many modal particles;
Again, have you confirmed that it is single-user mode and you have added a password? Then you can ask the person in front for the password.
Again, I think rescue mode should be able to solve your problem;
The third method you mentioned is to confirm whether several disks have been raided. If it is a single disk, you can definitely use this method.
Attach a URL for single-user mode and encryption