Autoprefixer utilizes the most recent data from Can I Use to add only necessary vendor prefixes.
.example {
box-sizing: border-box; /* Ch, Saf 5.1+, IE 8+, Op 9+ */
Global 97.61% unprefixed: 96.6%
Chrome has problems selecting options from the select element when using box-sizing: border-box and browser zoom level is less than 100%.
IE 8 ignores box-sizing: border-box if min/max-width/height is used.
IE9 will subtract the width of the scrollbar to the width of the element when set to position: absolute / fixed , overflow: auto / overflow-y: scroll
Safari 6.0.x does not use box-sizing on elements with display: table;
Android browsers do not calculate correctly the dimensions (width and height) of the HTML select element.
In IE8, the min-width property applies to content-box even if box-sizing is set to border-box.
那些內嵌webview的app都是在用android的原生browser,但是我找不到官方的版本列表可用,不过android上了5以后,原生的webview变成可独立於android的可升级版本system apk叫"Android System WebView"所以比较不用担心版本落后,建议你去下载genymotion直接跑原生的Browser app去测试一下。 The approximate browser version and which browsers should add prefixes are marked
last 2 versions This sentence roughly refers to the last two versions of all browsers. You can modify them accordingly according to your needs. I will give you a case according to your needs:
那些內嵌webview的app都是在用android的原生browser,但是我找不到官方的版本列表可用,不过android上了5以后,原生的webview变成可独立於android的可升级版本system apk叫"Android System WebView"所以比较不用担心版本落后,建议你去下载genymotion直接跑原生的Browser app去测试一下。
我只找到坊间android/webkit的列表,也可以參考google chrome的。 The approximate browser version and which browsers should add prefixes are marked
last 2 versions This sentence roughly refers to the last two versions of all browsers. You can modify them accordingly according to your needs. I will give you a case according to your needs: