本人入门级小白一枚,有两台服务器。一台是ucloud上的 双核4g ubuntu server 1204。一台是新的128g 24核 ubuntu server 1404。
在尝试 ab -n 300 -c 300 localhost的时候,发现配置更低的ucloud上的测试结果更加优秀,所以有点不解,如何对配置更高的机器进行调优?
2.高配置的机器刚装完ubuntu server1404,只安装了必需的redis mysql nodejs,并刚重启完。ucloud的一直运行了一个多月了吧。
(1)ab -n 100 -c 100 越高差距越明显。测试了10多次都是差不多的结果。
(2) free -m
(3) cat /proc/cpuinfo
If you use the local machine to initiate the test, AB will also consume a lot of resources when initiating the connection.
A simple example, if there are 10 ticket buying windows, but only 5 people buy tickets, will increasing the ticket sales window improve ticket sales efficiency?
You need to figure out whether your application is CPU-intensive or IO-intensive before you can draw this conclusion.