局域网里有一台win2003安装的mysql 5.0的数据库,我用笔记本连接数据库时要好几秒才提示输入密码,局域网里面其余有几台连接这个数据库时挺快,在网上搜了一下是mysql做DNS的反向域名解析的原因 问题1:同样是局域网里的电脑,有的又挺好,所以不太明白这个过程中为什么会有差异。 问题2:如何解决。
Add skip-name-resolve
It is a DNS reverse query. It is feasible to set skip-name-resolve. The simplest way is: do not write the domain name in the database host configuration, use IP directly. For example: change localhost to
Add skip-name-resolve
in cnf configuration fileIt is a DNS reverse query. It is feasible to set skip-name-resolve. The simplest way is: do not write the domain name in the database host configuration, use IP directly. For example: change localhost to