CCParallaxNode parallaxNode;
CCSprite spacedust1;
CCSprite spacedust2;
CCSprite planetsunrise;
CCSprite galaxy;
CCSprite spacialanomaly;
CCSprite spacialanomaly2;
parallaxNode = CCParallaxNode.node();
spacedust1 = CCSprite.sprite("bg_front_spacedust.png");
spacedust2 = CCSprite.sprite("bg_front_spacedust.png");
planetsunrise = CCSprite.sprite("bg_planetsunrise.png");
galaxy = CCSprite.sprite("bg_galaxy.png");
spacialanomaly = CCSprite.sprite("bg_spacialanomaly.png");
spacialanomaly2 = CCSprite.sprite("bg_spacialanomaly2.png");
// 3) Determine relative movement speeds for space dust and background
// CGPoint cgPoint = CGPoint.ccp(0.1, 0.1);
CGPoint dustSpeed = CGPoint.ccp(10, 10);
CGPoint bgSpeed = CGPoint.ccp(5, 5);
// CGPoint bgSpeed = ccp(0.05, 0.05);
parallaxNode.addChild(spacedust1, 0, dustSpeed.x, dustSpeed.y, 0,
winSize.height / 2);
parallaxNode.addChild(spacedust2, 0, dustSpeed.x, dustSpeed.y,
spacedust1.getContentSize().width, winSize.height / 2);
parallaxNode.addChild(galaxy, -1, bgSpeed.x, bgSpeed.y, 0, 10);
parallaxNode.addChild(planetsunrise, -1, bgSpeed.x, bgSpeed.y, 600, 5);
.addChild(spacialanomaly, -1, bgSpeed.x, bgSpeed.y, 900, 20);
parallaxNode.addChild(spacialanomaly2, -1, bgSpeed.x, bgSpeed.y, 1500,
CCIntervalAction go = CCMoveBy.action(4, CGPoint.ccp(winSize.width, 0));
CCIntervalAction goBack = go.reverse();
CCIntervalAction seq = CCSequence.actions(go, goBack);
CCRepeatForever action = CCRepeatForever.action(goBack);
原问题:Adding Endless parallax background in cocos2d android
Answer: A M
On github, I found a similar solution source code, so you can call the following method in Constructor:
Answer: M.Tahir Ashraf
You can try the following code:
At the same time, be sure to ensure that the height and width of the image are both powers of 2.
Answer: Oleg Vaskevich
It seems that CCRepeatForever action can only run goBack instructions, which means that the operation is irreversible, so you can try the following code: