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以前的ios程序都是用的苹果的那种半透明的风格. 从去年开始, 很多app比如facebook, gmail, 36kr等都开始使用简约风格的界面, 并且都支持手势侧滑.
使用这种界面需要依赖什么样的库吗? 当年因为 fb 的 three20 所以大家都流行那个风格了, 现在是不是大家都在使用什么新的玩意, 然后我们不知道的就落伍了?
I really can’t answer this question. As for what FB, GMail and 36kr use, I don’t know SF’s official app also supports planning. It’s also simple and useless. It’s written by myself
Okay, it doesn’t seem to be based on any special library
I searched on stackoverflow and found similar questionshttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/83...
In fact, there is a front-end library that is somewhat similar in style to them - Bootstrap.
I really can’t answer this question. As for what FB, GMail and 36kr use, I don’t know
SF’s official app also supports planning. It’s also simple and useless. It’s written by myself
Okay, it doesn’t seem to be based on any special library
I searched on stackoverflow and found similar questions
In fact, there is a front-end library that is somewhat similar in style to them - Bootstrap.