Oh, I just saw it. After a brief analysis, the data table design should be as follows
1. Rule table weixin_rule
Rule name rule_name
Reply rule reply_rule 0Reply one randomly, 1Reply all
3. Reply content table weixin_replays
Reply content type type 1 Text 2 Picture 3 Voice 4 Video 5 Picture and text 6 Music 7 Link 8 Map
Reply content content
Belonging rule rule_id
Oh, I just saw it. After a brief analysis, the data table design should be as follows
1. Rule table weixin_rule
Rule name rule_name
Reply rule reply_rule 0Reply one randomly, 1Reply all
2. Keyword table weixin_keywords
No. kid
Belonging rule rule_id
3. Reply content table weixin_replays
Reply content type type 1 Text 2 Picture 3 Voice 4 Video 5 Picture and text 6 Music 7 Link 8 Map
Reply content content
Belonging rule rule_id