想不明白,为啥我的问题总被踩? 是因为经常上“最近热门”还是因为这种问题你觉得太装B!上次有个问题,也是上了最近热门,被踩了几脚,又被好心人给赞起来了!哎,SegmentFault不是要互相交流学习的地方吗?问使用哪个工具装B还好用,我招惹谁了!想不明白,踩人的阴暗心理!我在Sf上从来不踩人。在此也衷心感谢回答我问题的朋友,共勉!'
其实我DW用着也挺好的,尤其是一些自动提示,比如输入url 会看到路径选择框。这个在sublime上是没有的,需要插件才能实现。
我想问的是,前端的大神们, 有没有一款工具既能让自己开发效果高,又不会显得自己水平low?
Use one and you will become a god. Then you will know what to use
Currently still in sublime and ready to try something new
vim is the most powerful
If you don’t mind the learning curve, of course it’s emacs
Both front-end and back-end development are the highest level of Zhuang B
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjA1NTU0MzM2.html?from= y1.2-1-87.3.1-1.1-1-1-0-0
Google engineers use emacs to write go
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI2MjI4OTQ2OA==.html? from=s1.8-1-1.2
atom is still a bit stuck. 15 mac pro
If you were on my side, you would have left long ago.
Why did I invite you here? ?
When you have piles of bugs, whatever you use will be a pile of rubbish. Lifting ability is serious.
The weak expression is VS2015+Resharp...
Like webstorm
Am I the only one who likes to use Hbuilder?