配置了phpstudy 可是进不去mysql 老是报-bash: mysqld: command not found
大神们帮帮忙吧 指点一下小弟~!!!
Under Linux, run /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p to enter
Your mysqld is not in the environment variable PATH, give it a try with the full path. If you are not sure of the full path, search with whereis mysqld. If you can't find it anymore, use the find command to search.
The solution is:
ln -s /phpstudy/mysql/bin/mysql /bin
Under Linux, run /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p to enter
Your mysqld is not in the environment variable PATH, give it a try with the full path.
If you are not sure of the full path, search with whereis mysqld.
If you can't find it anymore, use the find command to search.
The solution is:
ln -s /phpstudy/mysql/bin/mysql /bin