数据条数在亿级别。 更新频繁。MySQL无法动态索引。
查询要比建过索引的MySQL的between and 语句快。 最好原生支持空间范围查找。
Higher versions of MySQL support GEOMETRY, maybe you can consider this.
Version 5.6 also provides the space search you need.
You just want to know how many people say mongo? You selected mongodb in the tag
MongoDB native range search $geoNear There is also geoSearch which I have never used Documentation
redis memory plus local
Higher versions of MySQL support GEOMETRY, maybe you can consider this.
Version 5.6 also provides the space search you need.
You just want to know how many people say mongo? You selected mongodb in the tag
MongoDB native range search $geoNear
There is also geoSearch which I have never used
redis memory plus local